The Last Rebel Agency

Hello Gumbeez! Wassup?

It’s Friday and the weekend is upon us.
Let’s make all this even cooler with some very cool news:
Since this week we’re part of “The Last Rebel Agency”.

That means what?
That means the good folks of The Last Rebel Agency are helping us out finding concerts and opportunities.

How cool is that?
That’s epicly fucking cool.
It means we’ll have a lot more time to focus on music and improve ourselves.
For bands like us, every support we get is priceless and we appreciate it from the bottom of our heart.

So let’s do something back.
If you agree The Last Rebel Agency is awesome helping us out, visit their page and like it.

We would be very grateful for that.
Here’s the link:

Have a fantastic weekend Gumbeez!

New Gallery!

Hi y’all!

We’ve added a new gallery with pictures from our concert @ Café ‘t Spektakel in Asten (NL).

Big fun, super nice people and a great pub!

Photo’s are made by John Cleutjens & Veleem. Thanks a lot guys!

You can see the Gallery right HERE

CFM Radio interview

Big fun yesterday at CFM Radio / Week-end mag/ Décibelge in La Louvière. One hour of interview and our music live on the radio. Thank you Isabelle and Nico for the good times and the opportunity to broadcast our music! 🤘

(FR only)

Cookie Policy

Not so Rock ‘n’ Roll, but privacy is important.
That’s why you’ll have to accept or deny a cookie message when you visit our website.
You can read our policy HERE

If you have questions about it, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Blues Excuse Live Video

We received some live footage from our gig in Blue Note Halse Pub in Halle.
We thought that was cool so we decided to share it with you. Thank you Jose Romero and the rest of the crew for the video!
If you would like to have automatic updates about new videos, please subscribe to our YouTube channel right HERE

Le Centre FM

How cool is that?! We’ve been invited in the DéciBelge show of CFM Radio between 19h and 20h.

More details right HERE