New concerts and news from the band

Yes, two concerts have been added to our agenda. Check it out on our Gigs page.
Meanwhile, we’re working on new song.
Have a look at the video where Ben explains how the drum should sound and Jan is very impressed.

Concert Rock Classic Bar cancelled! (19-03-2016)

Well, that’s a bummer. Apparently the neighbours were on fire and now the Rock Classic Bar is closed for two weeks.

Sorry folks that means our concert of Saturday 19-03-2016 is cancelled!

We quote:

Suite à un incendie dans l’immeuble voisin, le Rock Classic sera fermé provisoirement.

L’établissement devrait ouvrir à nouveau ses portes d’ici 15 jours …. D’ici là, je suis au regret de vous annoncer que les concerts sont malheureusement annulés …. Nous vous tiendrons informé de l’évolution de la situation.

New year – New gigs

Hi Folks,

It’s a new year and we’re glad to inform you we have new concerts as well.

Interested? Have a look at our “Gigs” page.

We hope to see you there!


Last Concert

Our last concert of 2015 turned out to be a very cool one.
Thank you Far-West Bar for the hospitality!
And thank you Veelem Vintous Jay for the pictures! (Check them in our Gallery section of the website).

Say ‘Hello’ to Ben!

Some of you already met him in Het Depot.
Some of you might know him from The Livest and Doptone.
Some of you know him from reciting Jamiroquai lyrics backwards.
We know him as Ben Struye, singer extraordinaire and we’re very proud to welcome him in GumboGumbo!
Say hello to Ben ya’ll!

ben blw

Thank you!

What a super cool Fandango Label Night it was!
We especially would like to thank Fandango Music, the sound&light crew, everybody we surely forget and of course you!

Yes: You!

You came out of your couch and sofas to enjoy live music.
We like that.
We like you.