Blues Excuse on the Internet

Oh boy…
Thank you all for the positive comments on Blues Excuse! Really, it would be useless for us without you people! THANKS!
Did you know you can buy or listen our single on several places on the Internet? iTunes, Google Play and Spotify just to name a few. Click on the picture below and we’ll help you getting there.
Meanwhile, keep spreading the news. The only way for us to make it happen is by the love of our fans. Sharing is caring.
Have a nice weekend ya’ll!

Livestream Baken Rock part 1

About last night… Thank you Baken Rock. Well done! Thank YOU. For being there and have a chat with us after the concert. And thank you Sylvie, for this awesome livestream.

Recording EP

The boys from GumboGumbo are working hard in The Dungeon to record some new material.

Stay tuned Folks!